American Campus Communities: Casas del Rio and Lobo Village
On-Campus Housing managed by ACC
American Campus Communities (ACC) operates Casas del Rio and Lobo Village as housing options which UNM and community college students may choose. Students sign a lease directly with American Campus Communities when they select Casas del Rio or Lobo Village.
The terms and conditions of the leases with ACC for Casas del Rio and Lobo Village are different from the terms students agree to when they sign up with UNM for UNM Housing. Students and families should work directly with ACC to address concerns about the lease, residence, or property at Casas del Rio and Lobo Village. The University of New Mexico cannot intervene with ACC on issues related to a student's ACC lease, Casas del Rio or Lobo Village residence or the condition of ACC property.
For more information, including ACC floor plans, rates, applications, and amenities, please contact the communities or visit their web pages by clicking on the buttons below.

Casas del Rio
Casas del Rio is a suites-style student residential property located on the UNM main campus. Casas del Rio satisfies the UNM Freshman Residency Requirement.
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Lobo Village
Lobo Village is an apartment style student residential property located on the UNM south campus. Lobo Village does not automatically satisfy the UNM Freshman Residency Requirement. Freshmen may submit a request for an exception to that requirement, based upon individual circumstances.
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