Non-Resident Housing Scholarship Deadline
December 11, 2024

Reminder! Housing scholarships are available for incoming non-resident first year students who are admitted to The Univeristy of New Mexico by February 1st, 2025


Table outlining available scholarship amounts to non-resident freshmen predicated on GPA and other criteria. UNM Admission deadline for best consideration is Feb 1.
Housing Scholarships (non resident first year students) 
ScholarshipApplication DeadlinesAmount
Criteria For Consideration

Maintaining Your Scholarship

Students must follow the Policies and Procedures on all scholarships.

Lobo Housing Scholarship

Best consideration: Admitted to UNM by February 1

4.0+ GPA: $4,000 per year

3.85-3.99: $3,000 per year

3.6-3.84: $2,500 per year

3.59 or less: $1,000 per year

First-time freshman with a Tuition Scholarship  (WUE, LUE, WUE Plus, LUE Plus, CO Reciprocal, AZ Reciprocal)

GPA Range: varies by amount.



For more information, visit
