Resident Parking

Resident Permit Information

  • Permits are managed, distributed, and sold by the UNM Parking and Transportation Services (PATS) Office.
  • R Lot and S Permits are available to residents. S permits grant access to the parking structure on the North side of Campus Blvd (across from La Posada). R Lot permits grant access to the lots east of Coronado and Alvarado Halls. View UNM parking map.
  • Permits can be purchased online and charged to either your UNM Bursar's Account or Visa or Mastercard.
  • Note that these permits do not grant access to locations marked as handicap, Official Vehicle Only, or reserved. All other parking spots in these areas are not assigned and available to vehicles bearing an appropriate pass.

For information about permit sales for 2025/26, please visit: Permit Parking Options :: Parking & Transportation Services | The University of New Mexico (

Change in Residence Policy & Parking for Visitors

During the year, parking on campus without a permit or parking in a lot other than your assigned lot, will result in your vehicle being ticketed. If you move out of the UNM Residence Halls, you must return your residence hall area parking permit and purchase a Commuter Parking Permit. Visitors may park at the meters in the R lots or purchase a daily pass from the PATS office.

Contact Parking and Transportation Services

Call: 505-277-1938
Visit their website: http//