Co-Ed Housing

RLSH allows any combination of students, through mutual request, who would like to be roommates to live together, regardless of the gender of the members of the group.

In order to live a mixed gender roommate group, the group must occupy the entire assignable space for that building, for instance

  • To live in RVA, it must be a roommate group of 4 to fill the whole apartment
  • To live in SRC, it must be a roommate group of 7 to fill the whole apartment (including the limited double bedspace in room C)
  • To live in LDV, it must be a roommate group which will fill the entire suite, which typically includes 2 double rooms and 1 single room
  • To live in any of the other traditional halls or Rainforest, it must be a roommate group of 2 to fill the room or apartment

Process to Register

If you are interested in creating a mixed gender roommate group, there will be three steps that need to be completed.

  1. All members of the group will need to select the same living location option on the housing registration.
  2. Once this is done, the roommate group must self-select one another during the roommate matching period for the registration.
  3. Lastly, these roommate groups must send an email to to notify us of your roommate group so that we are able to work with you specifically on space selection.